
HEVC 4K/HD remote production unit with ultra low latency, low bit rate, and high picture quality.


Enhance Your Live Production With HEVC 4K/HD Remote Production

Acting as a portable 5G* video transmission device attached to a camera, the CBK-RPU7 achieves wireless and remote production, which enables flexible and robust content creation. Leverage high-speed connectivity (such as 5G*) through Networked Live, Sony’s ecosystem of solutions, products, services, and partners, helping you take full advantage of your resources in high-quality mission critical live production. 

Operate Efficiently with 5G* ConnectivityWith

5G* becoming more widespread across the world, the ability to transmit larger volumes of data with low latency and stability is becoming easier. Using available bandwidth in the most efficient manner is critical to high-quality live production. In conjunction with 5G* connectivity, the CBK-RPU7 enables a streamlined workflow for connecting remote teams to studios and live production environments by using NXL-ME80 as a receiver.Experience

Best-in-class Picture Quality and Low Latency
Using Sony’s developed codec chip, the compromise between live streaming quality and latency becomes a thing of the past. This enables wireless cameras to have similar performance to wired cameras. With increased deployment flexibility, combining the CBK-RPU7 with the latest Sony cameras allows the highest quality productions to be created regardless of location.

The CBK-RPU7 supports a wide range of formats, from HD to 4K 60p/50p 10-bit HDR transmission, which enables pairing with various cameras for the highest tier of live production.

Streamline Your Remote Live Operation
The CBK-RPU7 not only supports the latest HEVC encoding innovations, but also offers a range of feature sets that ensure reliable operation to operators in remote locations. Bi-directional connectivity will enable features including return video.*

* Return will be future supported




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